
Monday, November 29, 2010

You Versus A Judge Establish u live

The real reason why the judge leaves a court and comes back in We are dealing with magic and curses Money is cursed

(judgements) until it is matured (until substance comes back into
commerce); this is why they have to always be in bankruptcy because if the curse
matures, it will rebound and they get it all back with interest. So when they send you a
judgement it is a curse. Money is the currency of curses and as long as money exists,
their curses can never mature. Time to stop using their cursed debt notes, I say.
Wow, no wonder they hold onto this gem. Blue laws - blue is an ecclesiastical colour that’s why court papers and police use

it. Maxim – One who does not establish their rights; has none. Truly standing in court When you appear in court, the judge

is using the jurisdiction of the Bar Society. We have to assert that we are a living being, the blood flows; the flesh

lives. So we say: Your honour, I’m here to establish, for and on the record, I’m a living being, the blood flows; the flesh

lives. I humbly ask forremed y. At this point, it is remedy we seek. The judge now has to offer youremed y otherwise he is

in dishonour; to avoid your
remedy and his dishonour, he will leave the court. Whilst he has gone he does something in the background (probably pull up

a trouser leg) When he comes back in,
he comes back in honour because he comes back to get jurisdiction using Maritime
So we need then to reiterate our standing: Your honour, just to reiterate, on and for the record, I’m here to establish I’m

a living being, the blood flows; the flesh lives, I humbly ask for cure and maintenance. At this point it is cure and

maintenance we seek. The judge now has to offer you cure and maintenance. otherwise he is in dishonour
under this law; to avoid his dishonour again, he will leave the court for a second time.
(probably to put his blue ecclesiastical pants on) when he reappears, it is as an
ecclesiastical priest, under Canon Law.
So we need then to reiterate our standing: Your honour, just to reiterate, on and for the record, I’m here to establish I’m

a living
being, the blood flows; the flesh lives and we are sovereign and nothing stands
between myself and the divine.
It is only at this third standing that sovereignty can be declared. Because the judge has
tried and failed at getting jurisdiction over you 3 times, he is in dishonour with his
magic and can no longer work as a judge, The game is over for him.FOR EV ER.
Ecclesiastical Dishonour is the only way to stop the judges and assert your sovereignty you cannot assert this until the

third appearance. With this knowledge it is GAME OVER for all of them. They are dead in the water. If we do not declare our

living flesh status by the time we are 7 (the age of reason
declared by the government) we are declared lost at sea, or dead. We didn’t tell them
we are living and breathing. This is why they can create a trust and charge anyone
who identifies themselves as this name. So all the talk of ‘identity theft’ is because
you are identifying yourselves as the name on the birth certificate but you have not
declared yourself living so the government take it that someone is fraudulently using
that name. So we are responsible for the draconian measures the government take to
counteract this. If we do not assert our living status, why would the government see
your sovereignty? They don’t know you from Adam.

‘I see dead people’ ‘Where’ ‘They’re everywhere, they walk around like regular people – they don’t know they’re dead!’

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